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  正平七年六月 日

   「加一見候畢 (花押)」

A petition for reward (gunchūjō ) by Tannowa Sukeshige of a certain day of the sixth month of the seventh year of the Shōhei era (1352). Monogrammed by Kusunoki Masanori. Southern Court era name.

The Izumi province Householder (gokenin) Tannowa Hikotarō Sukeshige states his military service (gunchū)

On the twenty fifth day of the seventh month of the past year (Shōhei 6 [1351]), when [Masanori] departed from Sueki castle, I performed military service.

One the fourth day of the eighth month of the same year, we raided Iyama castle, and torched the interior of the rebel camp.

From the sixth day of the ninth month of that year until the seventeenth day of the same month, during the time of fortifying of Sano castle, I performed military service (gunchū).

On the eighteenth day of the same month, when fortifying Kashii castle, we were among those besieged through the twenty fifth day of the twelfth month and at that time we performed the military service of battle every day. Nakamura Mikawa Kurō knows this.

On the same sixth day of the tenth month we raided Iyama castle and performed battle service.

On the twentieth day of the second intercalary month, at the time of the battles at Kyoto, we performed service (chūsetsu).

At the same [year], on the twenty seventy day of the third month, at Mt. Arasaka, I performed military service.

At the same [year] on the sixth day of the fifth month, at Matsumura, in Izumi province, I performed service.

On the sixteenth day of the same [month] at Kamori district (gun), I performed military service.

I have performed repeated military service and desire to receive a monogram to reflect upon my actions. Petitioned thus.

The sixth month of the seventh year of Shōhei (1352)

Scanned and added (monogram)