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 文中二年十月二日 伊予守(花押)


A Kusunoki Masaaki document (kakikudashi ) of the second day, tenth month of the second year of Bunchū (1373). Southern Court era name.

You shall possess one third of the legacy of a monk administrator (jōza)1 of Shinke in the province of Izumi.

Thus, so conveyed.

The second day of the tenth month of the second year of Bunchū

Iyo no kami (monogram)

To: The Hon. Tannowa Tarō saemon no jō

1. In each temple, three monk administrators (sangō; 三綱)——jōza (上座), jishu (寺主), and tsuina (都維那), were to keep the monastic register and oversee any changes in status, such as a monk’s or nun’s decision to return to lay life as well as other petitions, most of which required record keeping and government notification. They were, moreover, required to mete out the punishment for infractions which typically entailed labor on monastery grounds.