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正平九年十一月廿三日 宣旨



    蔵人頭右近衛権中将藤原公夏 奉


A record of a proclamation of the twenty-third day of the eleventh month of the ninth year of the Shōhei era (1354) by Emperor Go-Murakami. Southern Court era name.

An order of the twenty-third day of the eleventh month of the ninth year of the Shōhei era (1354).

Tachibana Tadashige, the Lieutenant (shōjō) of the Right Palace Guard (uemon shōjō)

Is hereby appointed as Lieutenant of the Left Palace Guard (saemon shōjō).

Written by the Head Chamberlain, Acting Lieutenant General of the Right Palace Guard Fujiwara no Kinka (received)

Noble in Charge (shōke) Tōin, New Grand Counselor