Document 9: A Document of Transmission (denjujō) from the former Noto no kami Shinyū (Hayami Chikasuke)








A Document of Transmission (denjujō) from the former Noto no kami Shinyū (Saki no Noto no kami Shinyū denjujō)

Regarding the exalted secret of this house, I hereby transmit it to you, Saemon no jō Taira Nobuyoshi.1

Fourteenth year of Eishō [1517], on the twenty sixth day of the ninth month

The former Noto no kami Shinyū (Monogram)

1. Noto no kami Shinyū was probably Hayami (速水) Chikasuke, a low-ranking courtier closely connected to the Asukai family. The Asukai are known to have transmitted their familial teachings of poetry (waka) and “kickball” (kemari) to local warriors. This document was issued when Chikasuke transmitted his teachings to Saemon no jō Nobuyoshi.