Document 10: Ōuchi Yoshitaka letter

[oshigami 押紙] Junior Third Rank (jusan’i) Lord (kō) Ōuchi Yoshitaka 大内従三位義隆卿
Ōuchi Yoshitaka had this rank between the twelfth month of Tenbun 10 (1541) and the twelfth month of Tenbun 14 (1545). If Yoshitaka had in fact written this record, it would have been more likely created between 1545 and 1551.












Ōuchi Yoshitaka letter (Ōuchi Yoshitaka shojō)

Regarding Master Denyo's arrival [from Kyōto], I received your letter. I am most grateful.

As such, there is the arrangement for him to be accompanied by Master Shōyo.1 They were to go to Kyushu and burn incense at the main temple. Master Shōyo is currently traveling to Kyoto. The particulars will be addressed in direct conversation to the recipient (in Kyoto) soon by Denyo who is heading to Kyoto right now. So I think we can discuss [by messenger]. I have only conveyed a little.

Respectfully, Yoshitaka

The eleventh day of the third month 2

1. Denyo was the head of the Kyoto temple Shōbōji (正法寺), which was made an imperial prayer temple by Emperor Go-Nara in Tenbun 15 (1546). Accordingly, although the gloss states that this letter was written by Yoshitaka between the years 1541-1545, it may in fact date from later years (1546-1551). Shōyo was a monk who resided in the Ōuchi controlled territories.

2. This document is written on three sheets of paper. It could have been written by Yoshitaka’s scribe, but the letter was never sent. The third page might, however, be of a different hand. Yoshitaka’s monogram was erased, but for some reason this copy ended up in the Madarajima collection.